March 24, 2017 | Category:
Endangered Species,
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
environmental group,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
U.S. State Department
Today the State Department issued the cross-border permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, fulfilling President Trump’s promise to approve the pipeline after it was rejected by former president Barack Obama after encountering pressure from environmental pressure groups.
January 25, 2017 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
environmental group,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Full White House Press Release HERE. President Donald J. Trump today signed a series of Executive Orders and Presidential Memoranda in keeping with his promise to reduce the burden of regulations and expedite high priority energy and infrastructure projects that will create jobs and increase national security. Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of the Keystone XL […]
January 24, 2017 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
The federal Department of Transportation has issued new guidelines requiring pipeline operators to report accidents and spills more quickly. The rules give specific time frames for accidents and cost-recovery provisions for new projects. New Regulations HERE. The new rules come a week after PHMSA announced new regulations regarding onshore hazardous liquid pipelines.
August 17, 2016 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
DOT Issues Regulatory Bulletin For Abandoned Oil, Gas Pipelines On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Transportation, through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, issued a bulletin mandated under the recently enacted Protecting Our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act of 2016 clarifying the regulatory requirements for abandoned pipelines that at one time carried […]
August 16, 2016 | Category:
Oil and Gas | Tags:
court case,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Jury Convicts PG&E In San Bruno Pipeline Explosion Criminal Trial A California federal jury found Pacific Gas & Electric Co. guilty Tuesday of five criminal counts alleging it violated pipeline safety standards leading up to the 2010 San Bruno gas-line explosion and a separate count alleging it obstructed a subsequent federal investigation into the explosion. […]
February 17, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Land Use,
Oil and Gas,
Press Releases | Tags:
environmental group,
Global Warming,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Enviro Groups May Have Staged SUV Hitting Protester The Center for Biological Diversity (“CBD”) and Rainforest Action Network (RAN) submitted a letter to the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) Tuesday asking the agency to investigate a November 12, 2015, incident which occurred outside BLM’s Colorado headquarters in Lakewood. CBD and RAN, part of a larger […]
December 8, 2015 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas,
Press Releases | Tags:
land use,
Land Use Law,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Public Lands
Study: Unlocking America’s Energy Is The Best Economic Stimulus The Institute for Energy Research released a new study in December 2015 which considered the economic impacts of opening all federal lands and waters to oil and gas production. The report provides an update to a similar 2013 study in light of the current low price […]
Arbitrary and Burdensome? BLM Issues New Fracking Rules On March 20, 2015, the U.S. Department of the Interior issued a final rule regulating hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking”) in connection with all oil and gas extraction on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”). The BLM rule marks the first widespread federal regulation of […]
January 8, 2015 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas,
Traffic | Tags:
california land use,
land use,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
sacramento bee,
tanker truck,
traffic study
On behalf of Buckeye Terminals, Mitchell Chadwick sued the City of West Sacramento in Yolo County Superior Court for failing to conduct adequate traffic studies along South River Road before it dramatically altered traffic routes and circulation. The City’s decision would increase traffic, close off existing truck-staging areas, and disallow safe rail deliveries to the area. The City also […]