Earlier this week, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced that he will sign a proposed administrative rule that will withdraw from the Clean Power Plan, a set of administrative regulations targeting coal and natural-gas power plant emissions. A longtime target of President Trump and Mr. Pruitt in his former capacity as Oklahoma Attorney General, the Clean […]
May 24, 2017 | Category:
Air Quality,
Land Use,
News | Tags:
court case,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick llp
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it would put a stop to two Obama-era rules for new and existing dumps meant to cut methane emissions at landfills. The EPA will reconsider the rules after industry groups protested the Obama Administration’s final rules for both rules: “Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills” and Emission Guidelines […]
A Washington state judge rejected an environmental activist’s request to present a necessity defense at his trail, where the “activist,” along with four other “activists” face charges of sabotage and burglary. The defendant admitted to illegally entering a pipeline facility near Anacortes, Washington, and shutting off a valve. The defendant argued his actions were somehow justified since […]
February 17, 2017 | Category:
Air Quality,
Endangered Species,
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
endangered species,
environmental group,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas
The U.S. Senate confirmed Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as the U.S. EPA administrator on a 52-46 vote split largely along party lines. Quoting the New York Times report: “Democrats railed all night on the Senate floor against Mr. Pruitt and urged Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, to delay the confirmation vote […]
February 1, 2017 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
environmental group,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
Secretary of the Interior nominee Ryan Zinke and Secretary of Energy nominee Rick Perry were approved by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, paving the way for their confirmation by the full Senate. The committee approved Zinke by a 16-6 vote, and Perry by a 16-7 vote. Angering the Democrats on the Committee, […]
October 24, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Endangered Species,
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
court case,
endangered species,
environmental group,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas
Environmental Groups Seek to Intervene in Mineral Lease Sale Lawsuit This week in New Mexico, nine environmental groups asked a federal judge for permission to intervene in a law suit between Western Energy Alliance (“WEA”), an oil and gas industry group, and the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”). WEA challenges the agency, arguing that BLM […]
October 14, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Land Use,
Traffic | Tags:
california land use,
court case,
environmental group,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
traffic study
Environmental groups voice opposition to proposed Warriors arena citing inadequate analysis of traffic, air quality, and noise impacts. On October 3, 2016, the Center for Biological Diversity, Coalition for Clean Air, Communities for a Better Environment, and Sunset Coalition (“Coalition”) submitted an amicus curiae brief in opposition to the arena, joining the petitioners/appellants in alleging […]
August 25, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Land Use,
News | Tags:
california land use,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas
California Assembly Approves Measure to Extend GHG Emissions Reduction Goals On Tuesday, the California Assembly passed Senate Bill 32 (SB 32), which would strengthen and extend California’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, it would require a 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gases from 1990 levels by 2030, a codification of Governor Brown’s emission […]
August 10, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Land Use,
News | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
environmental group,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick llp
NEPA Greenhouse Gas Guidance Released by CEQ This week, the White House Council on Environmental Quality released final guidance for Federal agencies intended to clarify when and how they conduct GHG analyses as part of National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) reviews. GHG guidance was first drafted in 2010, and revised in 2014. Previous draft versions […]
July 14, 2016 | Category:
Endangered Species,
Land Use,
News | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
endangered species,
environmental group,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp
When Will Affordable Housing Advocates Push For More Supply, Fewer Rules? A Forbes magazine article highlighted what is perhaps the largest affordable housing solution that everyone should know, but no one talks about–especially here in California: If you increase the supply of something, the cost goes down. Hence, if home prices are too high, increase […]