Keystone XL and Dakota Access: President Trump Takes Action to Expedite Priority Energy and Infrastructure Projects
Full White House Press Release HERE.
President Donald J. Trump today signed a series of Executive Orders and Presidential Memoranda in keeping with his promise to reduce the burden of regulations and expedite high priority energy and infrastructure projects that will create jobs and increase national security.
Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline
With this Presidential Memorandum, President Trump will help fulfill the campaign promise of initiating the process for approving the Keystone XL Pipeline.
The Keystone XL Pipeline is an 1,100-mile crude oil pipeline to connect oil production in Alberta, Canada to refineries in the United States.
Construction and operation of the Keystone XL Pipeline, as well as oil production and refining activities related to it, would create tens of thousands of jobs for American workers, enhance our nation’s energy security, support affordable and reliable energy for American families, and generate significant State and local tax revenues that can be invested in schools, hospitals, and infrastructure.
Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline
With this Presidential Memorandum, President Trump directed the relevant Federal agencies (including the Army Corps of Engineers) to expedite reviews and approvals for the remaining portions of the Dakota Access Pipeline., a $3.8 billion, 1,100-mile pipeline designed to carry around 500,000 barrels per day of crude oil from the Bakken and Three Forks oil production areas in North Dakota to oil markets in the U.S.
At this time, DAPL is more than 90% complete across its entire route. Only a limited stretch of the project is not yet constructed. Timely review and approval of energy pipelines is critical to a strong economy, energy independence, and national security.
Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of American Pipelines
In keeping with his commitment to “Buy American, Hire American”, President Trump directed the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with all relevant executive departments and agencies, to develop a plan under which all new pipelines, as well as retrofitted, repaired, or expanded pipelines, inside the borders of the United States, including portions of pipelines, use materials and equipment produced in the United States, to the maximum extent possible and to the extent permitted by law. The Secretary shall submit the plan to the President within 180 days of the date of this memorandum.