Challengers battle Obama over BLM Oil and Gas Methane Rule The Obama administration will square off against industry and several states this month over the Bureau of Land Management’s new methane rule regulating emissions from the oil and gas operations. The U.S. District Court for the District of Wyoming will hear both state and industry […]
November 24, 2016 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
environmental group,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
Obama Administration Declares Atlantic and Arctic Off-Limits to Oil and Gas Drilling On Friday, November 18, 2016, the Obama administration announced that the Department of the Interior’s 2017-2022 offshore oil and gas leasing plan (“Leasing Plan”) will restrict drilling activities to the Gulf of Mexico, and one already-developed area in the Arctic’s Cook Inlet. Secretary […]
October 24, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Endangered Species,
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
court case,
endangered species,
environmental group,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas
Environmental Groups Seek to Intervene in Mineral Lease Sale Lawsuit This week in New Mexico, nine environmental groups asked a federal judge for permission to intervene in a law suit between Western Energy Alliance (“WEA”), an oil and gas industry group, and the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”). WEA challenges the agency, arguing that BLM […]
August 30, 2016 | Category:
Land Use,
Press Releases | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
endangered species,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas
G. Braiden Chadwick receives “Best of the Bar” Recognition for 2016 Mitchell Chadwick LLP is pleased to announce that G. Braiden Chadwick has again been named to the Sacramento Business Journal’s 2016 “Best of the Bar” list, which recognizes top outside counsel in Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado and Yolo Counties. The lawyers profiled in the […]
August 25, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Land Use,
News | Tags:
california land use,
Global Warming,
Greenhouse Gas,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas
California Assembly Approves Measure to Extend GHG Emissions Reduction Goals On Tuesday, the California Assembly passed Senate Bill 32 (SB 32), which would strengthen and extend California’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, it would require a 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gases from 1990 levels by 2030, a codification of Governor Brown’s emission […]
August 17, 2016 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
DOT Issues Regulatory Bulletin For Abandoned Oil, Gas Pipelines On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Transportation, through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, issued a bulletin mandated under the recently enacted Protecting Our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act of 2016 clarifying the regulatory requirements for abandoned pipelines that at one time carried […]
August 16, 2016 | Category:
Oil and Gas | Tags:
court case,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Jury Convicts PG&E In San Bruno Pipeline Explosion Criminal Trial A California federal jury found Pacific Gas & Electric Co. guilty Tuesday of five criminal counts alleging it violated pipeline safety standards leading up to the 2010 San Bruno gas-line explosion and a separate count alleging it obstructed a subsequent federal investigation into the explosion. […]
June 28, 2016 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
Braiden Chadwick,
california land use,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Water Law
‘Water windfall’ beneath California’s Central Valley A study led by Stanford scientists Robert Jackson and Mary Kang found that California’s Central Valley has three times more groundwater than previously estimated. Previous estimates of California’s groundwater supply were based on decades-old data and only extended to a maximum depth of 1,000 feet. Due to technological restraints, […]
June 9, 2016 | Category:
Air Quality,
Endangered Species,
Land Use,
Oil and Gas,
Press Releases,
Traffic | Tags:
california land use,
environmental group,
Environmental Justice,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas
Feds Issue First-Ever Technical Guidance For Environmental Justice On June 7th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) issued a technical guidance document Tuesday covering how to incorporate environmental justice principles when evaluating development projects. (Press Release HERE.) According to the EPA, the Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Actions outlines approaches and methods to […]
May 5, 2016 | Category:
Land Use,
Oil and Gas | Tags:
court case,
environmental group,
land use,
Land Use Law,
mitchell chadwick,
mitchell chadwick llp,
oil & gas,
oil and gas,
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation,
Environmental Groups Sue EPA To Force Stricter Rules For “Hazardous Waste” …but EPA has already found that oil and gas waste doesn’t meet the standards of hazardous waste… A myriad of environmental groups sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for failing to update its rules for oil and gas drilling waste disposal, stating that the […]